Thursday, December 11, 2014

Practice Presentations

Below are the recordings of our practice presentations.  Have a look at your video and see where you can improve.  Remember, we identified 5 areas that are important when speaking to an audience:

1. Speak loud enough
2. Speak clearly
3. Look up at the audience when you are speaking.
4. Stay still, try not to fidget.
5. Don't speak to fast, and include pauses.

I'm going to add one more to that list:

6. Speak with expression

Here are the videos.  They are in a playlist, so you have to search through the playlist to find yours.  You can click the button in the top left corner to easily find yours.

1st Practice

2nd Practice

Monday, December 8, 2014

Function Machine Games

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Find the rule to stop the creatures!
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Change the rules, predict what we come out of the machine.  Test yourself.
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Figure out the formula and then check your answers.  Don’t let the letters confuse you.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Online Pattern Games

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Choose the ordering and sequencing and do your best to complete the patterns and answer the questions.
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Figure out the shape, colour and number for the next one in the sequence.

Some of these are very difficult!
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Choose the level that’s best for you and then find the missing number.
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These are very tricky.  The ‘rule for the n” is something for year sixes to solve.

Have a go if you want.
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You need to crack the codes in time...or else!
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Crack the code on the safe to open it.
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Don’t be scared while you solve these sequences
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Choose an activity and follow the instructions to learn about sequences.

This one will be assigned by Mr. Stanhope.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Patterns by Students

Congratulations to Archie for being the first Minecrafter to post a pattern video!

Well done!

Check out Eloise's video.  She has created a lot of different patterns.  Can you recognise them?

Archie is back with another Minecraft pattern. Have a look:

Pictures of Ishaan's Minecraft patterns.  Well done, Ishaan.

Thank you Mikayla for your fantastic pattern pictures:

Ben's Minecraft Video is here!  Thanks Ben.

A pattern picture from Yasmin.  Well done.

Trent's Minecraft video has special features like redstone...and a great pattern.

Shanzey's patterns.  Great work Shanzey!

A couple of interesting patterns by Matthew and his cat!  What kind of patterns are they?

Aidan's patterns.  Can you figure them out?  Are they growing or repeating or something else?

Howard's got a repeating pattern for us.  Thanks Howard.

Ava has made some very unique patterns.  Have a look!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ideas for Learning the Times Tables

Times Tables Tests

Time yourself in these times tables quizzes.  See if you can improve.

Little Red Riding Hood and Lon Po Po

Area and Perimeter Activity

Click here to go to this activity.

Choose area or perimeter to practice.  After a short tutorial you will have activities to complete.  Start with Level 1 or 2.  After getting an answer correct, go back to the main menu and choose again.  You can do the same level a number of times because it will be a different question each time.

Do your work on a white board or on scrap paper.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Perimeter and Area Activities

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Follow the instructions in this lesson and then complete the activities.  Good luck!
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Follow the instructions and answer the questions.  Good luck.
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Answer the questions correctly in order to build the robot.
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Answer all the questions to complete the quiz.
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Find the perimeter and area of the shapes.  They get very difficult, so you don’t have to do them all.

Measuring Activities

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Choose ‘Length’ and work your way through the different activities.
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To complete this activity you need to convert units of measurement.  Some of them are quite difficult and deal with decimal numbers (for example, 0.4)
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Choose a level appropriate for you.  
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Test your knowledge of metric units by matching the conversions.
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Find the correct spot on the ruler and then move the arrow there.

Games to Learn the Times Tables

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Choose the level and time that is best for you.  You can also choose, adding, subtracting or dividing.
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Choose which facts you want to focus on.  This is a game that is very similar to Space Invaders.  Shoot the balloons to choose the correct answer.
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Shoot the airplane with the correct answer.
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Choose the correct answer and take the bricks away from the wall.
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Test yourself by taking this quiz. How many can you get right?
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Choose the times table to focus on.  Find the answer in the grid.
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Lots of choices.  Get as many right as you can as quick as you can.
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Hit the right bubbles to practice your 4 times tables.
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Lots of different ways to practice the times tables.
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Help power dad’s rocket by getting the questions correct.  You’ve got to answer fast!
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Lots of quizzes.  Test yourself and try to improve each time.