Thursday, December 11, 2014

Practice Presentations

Below are the recordings of our practice presentations.  Have a look at your video and see where you can improve.  Remember, we identified 5 areas that are important when speaking to an audience:

1. Speak loud enough
2. Speak clearly
3. Look up at the audience when you are speaking.
4. Stay still, try not to fidget.
5. Don't speak to fast, and include pauses.

I'm going to add one more to that list:

6. Speak with expression

Here are the videos.  They are in a playlist, so you have to search through the playlist to find yours.  You can click the button in the top left corner to easily find yours.

1st Practice

2nd Practice

Monday, December 8, 2014

Function Machine Games

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Find the rule to stop the creatures!
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Change the rules, predict what we come out of the machine.  Test yourself.
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Figure out the formula and then check your answers.  Don’t let the letters confuse you.